WEBVTT 1 00:00:10.391 --> 00:00:12.483 Hello and welcome to TreasuryDirect. 2 00:00:12.888 --> 00:00:16.801 Do you need to update your bank account on file or add a new account? 3 00:00:17.274 --> 00:00:20.782 This video will discuss the process to change your bank account. 4 00:00:21.187 --> 00:00:24.898 To find the bank accounts on file within your TreasuryDirect account. 5 00:00:25.236 --> 00:00:30.236 You will navigate to the ManageDirect tab on the left hand side of the screen. 6 00:00:30.904 --> 00:00:34.345 There will be a link titled Update My Bank Information. 7 00:00:35.020 --> 00:00:36.842 Here you will see all of the bank 8 00:00:36.842 --> 00:00:39.878 accounts currently saved to your TreasuryDirect account. 9 00:00:40.755 --> 00:00:43.927 On this page you can delete any accounts on file 10 00:00:43.927 --> 00:00:47.638 if needed, by selecting the bank account you wish to delete 11 00:00:47.773 --> 00:00:51.012 and then clicking the Delete Button on the bottom of the screen. 12 00:00:51.754 --> 00:00:54.723 Note, that you cannot delete your Primary Bank Account 13 00:00:54.993 --> 00:00:59.042 as you need to have at least one bank account on file in TreasuryDirect. 14 00:00:59.986 --> 00:01:02.348 In order to make a change to your bank account. 15 00:01:02.550 --> 00:01:06.464 you will click the add button. For security purposes 16 00:01:06.464 --> 00:01:09.501 TreasuryDirect will ask you one of your security questions. 17 00:01:13.347 --> 00:01:16.181 Once you have successfully answered your security question, 18 00:01:16.451 --> 00:01:20.162 you will be able to fill in banking information, complete 19 00:01:20.162 --> 00:01:23.806 all of the fields, ensuring you are putting in the correct bank name, 20 00:01:24.278 --> 00:01:26.370 nine digit routing number, 21 00:01:26.370 --> 00:01:29.744 the account number including any leading zeros, 22 00:01:30.891 --> 00:01:33.927 the name on the account, which can be one person, 23 00:01:34.197 --> 00:01:37.436 and the account type, either checking or savings. 24 00:01:38.313 --> 00:01:42.362 You can elect to make this bank account your primary account on file, 25 00:01:42.564 --> 00:01:45.668 which means it will become the first option when you attempt 26 00:01:45.668 --> 00:01:49.379 to purchase a security or during the redemption process. 27 00:01:50.324 --> 00:01:54.103 Any other bank accounts will be available still just underneath 28 00:01:54.103 --> 00:01:56.802 the primary account in the dropdown menu. 29 00:01:57.881 --> 00:02:00.041 Once you have entered all of the information, 30 00:02:00.108 --> 00:02:02.807 you can click the Submit button. 31 00:02:02.807 --> 00:02:06.721 When you submit the banking information, it will go through a third party 32 00:02:06.721 --> 00:02:10.567 verification process to ensure that the account you are adding 33 00:02:10.567 --> 00:02:14.076 is valid and connected to the customer name on file. 34 00:02:15.560 --> 00:02:18.125 If the information is able to be verified, 35 00:02:18.394 --> 00:02:19.474 the new bank account 36 00:02:19.474 --> 00:02:23.253 will appear in your TreasuryDirect account and can be used right away 37 00:02:23.253 --> 00:02:26.154 to make purchases or to redeem your security. 38 00:02:27.166 --> 00:02:31.620 If any of the information is unable to be verified, you will be allowed 39 00:02:31.620 --> 00:02:34.791 to attempt to change the bank account two additional times. 40 00:02:35.534 --> 00:02:37.693 If, after the third attempt, 41 00:02:37.693 --> 00:02:41.741 the banking information cannot be verified, a hold will be placed 42 00:02:41.741 --> 00:02:45.115 on that specific bank account and it will not be used. 43 00:02:45.790 --> 00:02:48.759 You will receive an email with additional information 44 00:02:48.826 --> 00:02:52.335 and a link to the FS Form 5512, 45 00:02:54.157 --> 00:02:56.114 which will need to be filled out, 46 00:02:56.114 --> 00:03:00.770 signed, certified and mailed into the Treasury Retail Security Site 47 00:03:00.972 --> 00:03:03.132 in order for the bank account to be updated. 48 00:03:04.616 --> 00:03:07.450 Another option available to you is to call the TreasuryDirect 49 00:03:07.450 --> 00:03:12.450 Customer Service Phone number 844-284-2676. 50 00:03:14.738 --> 00:03:17.504 Select option four on the first menu, 51 00:03:17.976 --> 00:03:21.890 then option one on the second menu to reach a customer service 52 00:03:21.890 --> 00:03:25.669 representative that can assist you in adding your bank account. 53 00:03:26.344 --> 00:03:27.491 And that's it. 54 00:03:27.491 --> 00:03:31.269 That is the process for adding a bank account to TreasuryDirect.