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Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

The Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding includes the monthly interest for:

Amortized discount or premium on bills, notes and bonds is also included in the monthly interest expense.

The fiscal year represents the total interest expense on the Debt Outstanding for a given fiscal year. This includes the months of October through September. View current month details (Excel Format, File size 395KB, uploaded 01/06/2022).

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To view historical data for any of the prior years, please go to FiscalData: Interest Expense on the Public Debt Outstanding

Interest Expense on the Debt for this Fiscal Year
Interest Expense Fiscal Year 2022
December $99,103,331,258.38
November $36,029,498,135.89
October $18,938,963,388.80
Fiscal Year Total $154,071,792,783.07