1996 Federal Register Items (July - December)
The Federal Register is a daily publication used to provide notice of proposed or final changes to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), including the the regulations of the Bureau of the Fiscal Service (formerly the Bureau of the Public Debt). The Federal Register is also used to provide other important information or requests for information. The most important items relating to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service published in the Federal Register from July 1996 through December 1996 are listed below. You will leave this site if you choose to access these Federal Register publications.
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November 13, 1996
1997 Fee Schedule for the Transfer of U.S. Treasury Book-Entry Securities Held at Federal Reserve Banks; NOTICE. The Department of the Treasury is announcing the schedule of fees to be charged in 1997 on the transfer of book-entry Treasury securities between depository institution accounts maintained at Federal Reserve Banks and Branches, as well as transfers to and from Federal Reserve Bank accounts. Effective January 1, 1997. HTML Version (4k) | PDF Version (13k) |
October 28, 1996
31 CFR Part 344 Regulations Governing United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, Treasury Notes, and Treasury Bonds--State and Local Government Series; FINAL RULE. The Department of the Treasury hereby publishes a final rule governing United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, Notes, and Bonds of the State and Local Government Series (SLGS). This final rule makes the SLGS securities program more flexible in a manner consistent with tax policy objectives. The regulations are effective October 28, 1996, for securities where the subscription is received on or after October 28, 1996 and are applicable except that the revised notice period for early redemptions applies to all SLGS issues. Subscribers for SLGS securities can continue to use the current forms, lining out any obsolete parts, until new forms are distributed. HTML Version (71k) | PDF Version (239k) |
October 28, 1996
Demand Deposit Securities of the State and Local Government Series; Average Marginal Tax Rate and Treasury Administrative Costs; NOTICE. This notice is being published to provide the information necessary to apply the interest rate formula for Demand Deposit United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness--State and Local Government Series (31 CFR part 344, subpart C). Effective October 28, 1996. HTML Version (3k) | PDF Version (8k) |
October 22, 1996
31 CFR Parts 356 and 370 Sale and Issue of Marketable Book-Entry Treasury Bills, Notes, and Bonds; Regulations Governing Payments by the Automated Clearing House Method on Account of United States Securities; FINAL RULE. The rule amends 31 CFR part 370 (Regulations Governing Payments by the Automated Clearing House Method on Account of United States Securities) to permit purchasers of United States securities, where authorized by the appropriate offering circular, to pay for their securities by means of a debit entry to their deposit account by the Automated Clearing House (ACH) method. The change to part 356 authorizes bidders in auctions to make payment for awarded Treasury securities by approved electronic means. Effective October 22, 1997. HTML Version (27k) | PDF Version (33k) |
October 15, 1996
Regulations Governing United States Savings Bonds, Series EE and HH; FINAL RULE. This rule amends regulations governing Series EE and HH Savings Bonds to provide explicitly for the recognition of Federal asset forfeiture laws and providing for payment of United States Savings Bonds pursuant to Federal judicial or administrative forfeiture. Effective October 15, 1997. HTML Version (9k) | PDF Version (17k) |
October 4, 1996
31 CFR Part 356 Sale and Issue of Marketable Book-Entry Treasury Bills, Notes, and Bonds; CORRECTION. The document corrects typographical and technical errors in Appendix B of the proposed rule, published on Friday, September 27, 1996. HTML Version (5k) | PDF Version (84k) |
September 27, 1996
31 CFR Part 356 Sale and Issue of Marketable Book-Entry Treasury Bills, Notes, and Bonds; PROPOSED RULE. This proposed amendment makes changes necessary to accommodate the public offering of new Treasury inflation-protection securities by the Department. In addition, the proposed amendment makes certain technical clarifications and conforming changes. Comments are due on or before October 28, 1996. [Received comments are available]. HTML Version (98k) | PDF Version (162k) |
September 12, 1996
17 CFR Parts 400 and 420 Government Securities Act Regulations: Large Position Rules; FINAL RULE. The rule establishes a new part 420 providing recordkeeping and reporting requirements pertaining to very large positions in certain Treasury securities. Effective October 15, 1996. HTML Version (105k) | PDF Version (100k) |
August 23, 1996
31 CFR Part 306, et al. Regulations Governing Book-Entry Treasury Bonds, Notes and Bills; Conforming Book-Entry Changes; FINAL RULE. The Department of the Treasury is publishing a final rule that will govern Treasury bonds, notes, and bills (Treasury securities) in book-entry form held in the commercial book-entry system, also known as TRADES. The rule incorporates recent and significant changes in commercial law addressing the holdings of securities in book-entry form through financial intermediaries. The rule replaces existing Treasury regulations that contain outdated legal concepts. Effective January 1, 1997. HTML Version (92k) | PDF Version (95k) |
August 6, 1996
31 CFR Part 344 Regulations Governing United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, Treasury Notes, and Treasury Bonds--State and Local Government Series; CORRECTION. The document corrects the Internet address listed on the proposed rule dated July 26, 1996. HTML Version (1k) | PDF Version (13k) |
July 26, 1996
31 CFR Part 344 United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, Treasury Notes, and Treasury Bonds--State and Local Government Series; PROPOSED RULE. The Department of the Treasury hereby publishes a proposed rule governing United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, Notes, and Bonds of the State and Local Government Series (SLGS). This document proposes changes to make the SLGS securities program more flexible. Comments are due on or before August 26, 1996. [Received comments are available]. HTML Version (79k) | PDF Version (140k) |
July 23, 1996
31 CFR Part 356 Amendments to the Uniform Offering Circular for the Sale and Issue of Marketable Book-Entry Treasury Bills, Notes and Bonds; NOTICE OF MEETING. On May 20, 1996, the Department of the Treasury published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking soliciting comments on certain aspects of a new inflation-protection security. The Treasury is hosting a symposium to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of certain structures under consideration for the inflation-protection security Treasury intends to issue. The meeting will be open to the public. HTML Version (9k) | PDF Version (67k) |
July 19, 1996
Renegotiation Board Interest Rate; Prompt Payment Interest Rate; Contract Disputes Act; NOTICE. For the period beginning July 1, 1996, and ending on December 31, 1996, the prompt payment interest rate is 7% per centum per annum. HTML Version (2k) | PDF Version (13k) |
July 16, 1996
31 CFR Part 356 Sale and Issue of Marketable Book-Entry Treasury Bills, Notes, and Bonds; FINAL RULE. The rule amends the regulations governing the sale and issue of marketable book-entry Treasury securities. The amendment defines the term "investment adviser" and contains a new section on bidding through investment advisers. The amendment also makes certain technical and clarifying changes. Effective September 16, 1996. HTML Version (29k) | PDF Version (40k) |
July 16, 1996
31 CFR Part 321 Regulations Governing Payments by Banks and Other Financial Institutions of United States Savings Bonds and United States Savings Notes (Freedom Shares); FINAL RULE. The rule amends the regulations to update procedures used by the Bureau of the Public Debt for collecting debts owed by paying agents of United States Savings Bonds and Savings Notes (collectively referred to herein as savings bonds or bonds). Effective July 16, 1996. HTML Version (12k) | PDF Version (19k) |